Conversational Spanish Learning for the Workplace

Spanish in the Workplace is a 8 week interactive learning experience with a certified teacher. This lesson is available for beginners and individuals looking to refresh their Spanish vocabulary. Lessons are geared to help you use Spanish in a workplace setting. We are proud to return on February 16, 2023! Limited spaces are now open.

Course Description

This course will offer a functional as well as a global approach to the study of the Spanish language. You will learn basic Spanish, using situational strategies that will be helpful in the work environment and functional Spanish to enhance communication while conversing with your neighbors or traveling in Spanish speaking countries. These situational approaches will be combined with basic grammar, vocabulary, and an introduction to Hispanic culture. This class will be interactive and utilize the basic skills of language learning; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Dates, Time, and Attendance

Start Date – February 16th

Classes will be held Mondays and Thursdays from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM. You must not exceed three absences to receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course. Any missed assignments must be made up.

Course Requirements

  • $400 Program Fee
  • Pen/pencil and notebook
  • Spanish textbook

Course Outline

The following units will be taught:

  • Introductions (names, greetings, titles)
  • Numbers, dates, days of the week, months
  • Weather expression
  • Telling time
  • Colors and Clothing
  • Identification of places, giving directions, and addresses
  • Completing applications
  • Travel (at the airport and transportation)
  • Restaurants and Foods
  • Grammar
  • Present tense of regular verbs, irregular verbs, (ser, estar, tener), nouns, and primary use of adjectives.


Participants will be evaluated on oral, aural, and written progress.

Register Today!

Complete our online pre-registration form to be part of our next class. Space is limited!

For registration, please contact:

(610) 279-9700

Conversational Learning

During this 8 week training program, you will have conversations in Spanish with the teacher and other peers in the class.

Writing Basics

You will have writing lessons each week to practice your retention of Spanish.

Weekly Lesson Themes

Each week, an instructor will guide you through the lesson with different themes that will help you speak Spanish in everyday work situations.